Tiago Coelho, Brasil
Para aprender da pedra, frequentá-la
(August 2016)
Click on the cover to purchase the volume with the images of
Tiago Coelho (special edition, limited copies)
In “An education by Stone", the Brasilian poet João Cabral de Melo Neto highlights how this natural and apparently unanimated element can give lessons about different aspects of human existence, such as economy, poetry and morality.
At first sight they may appear hard and cold, but rocks can be really useful.
In the Verzasca Valley, people dwell in stone houses built by their ancestors three hundred years ago. This extraordinary symbiosis with the stone from the mountains is an admirable example of adaptation, which is also maintained through its manipulation.
The poet claims: “In order to know the stone, you have to frequent it…"
In this project I focus on the relationship between the stone and those women and men who live surrounded by it and whose survival depends on it.
Ne “L’educazione attraverso la pietra” del brasiliano João Cabral de Melo Neto, il poeta sottolinea questo elemento naturale e apparentemente inanimato che è capace di impar- tire lezioni riguardo a vari aspetti dell’umanità, quali l’economia, la poesia e la moralità.
A prima vista, la roccia può sembrare fredda e dura, ma finisce per mostrarsi di estremautilità.
In Valle Verzasca, gli abitanti risiedono in case di pietra erette trecento anni fa dai propri avi, mostrando un’affascinante simbiosi con la pietra della montagna che denota un ammirevole adattamento mantenuto anche attraverso la sua manipolazione. Il poeta afferma: “Per conoscere la pietra, frequentala...”
In questo progetto ricerco il rapporto che intercorre
tra la pietra e quelle donne e quegli uomini che vivono
da essa circondati e che grazie a essa sopravvivono.
Sonogno, Valle Verzasca 2016
Servizio televisivo di Cult + (RSI)
Tiago Coelho
Born in Santo Antônio da Patrulha, Brazil, 1985, Tiago Coelho majored in Film (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and holds a Master’s in Photojournalism from EFTI (Madrid, Spain). He is currently a professor of Photography at Unisinos University in Brazil and works as a freelance documentary photographer.
The 2015 and 2016 editions of this Artist-in-Residence project were part of the national initiative ’’Cultural diversity in non-urban regions“ launched by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia. Through its initiative Pro Helvetia encourages and strengthens the regional cultural offering.