Camila Rodrigo (Peru)
June-August 2018


Sutilezas Tajantes
Cutting Subtleties

You can read the time from a stone. The territory’s constant changes, unceasing movements, erosion and wearing away are written in its layers…

A monumental, fiercely vibrating landscape, which reverberates strength. It prevails over the new necessities of its human inhabitants. It adapts itself, changes, persists…

Photographs realized with expired film and stone installations, reveal an altered territory that suggests the beginning of a new ecological era. Breaking an already settled imaginary to dig further beyond the first impressions, delving into the subtle tracks of a coexistence prone to be increasingly vulnerable.

If we place humanity inside the huge matrix of nature some certainties are undermined; new questionings emerge.

The echo resounds, urging us to take a step forwards and to penetrate…

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Project in collaboration with SMArt (Sustainable Mountain Art)

you can have a look at more images of Camila Rodrigo project in the SMArt web-page. by  clicking here 


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Camila Rodrigo Graña (1983)

Studied photography at “Centro de La Imagen” in Lima, Perú. Afterwards she went to NABA University at Milán, to study a master in Photography and Visual Arts. Rodrigo,was chosen as a part of Re generation: Photographers of tomorrow, by the Musée de l´Elysée at Lausanne and she was finalist on the Lacoste Elysée prize.

On 2014 she started the Master : “Mal de foco” on Latin American Photography, at “Centro de La Imagen”.

Her projects have been exhibited at: Arles, Amsterdam, Argentina, Chile, Barcelona,London, Lausanne, Lima, Mexico, Milán, Miami, New York, Ping Yao, St. Petersburg and other cities.